Sign up to become a member of Friends of Dronfield Station
Why become a member?
FoDS has many strands and needs members with many different skills to continue to succeed: from administration to planning to physical effort. Membership entitles you to at least four newsletters per year and a say in what we do and, from time to time for those more involved, free Northern Travel for the day/weekend.
If you're 17 or 70, there will be something to get your teeth into. And even if you're unable to get involved your £5 membership goes towards making Dronfield's station ever better.
Who can I contact to find out more?
Just fill in the form with at the very least one of a telephone number or your home or email address and someone will be in touch.
Or send an email to: FriendsOfDronfieldStation@hotmail.co.uk with the same information.
You can even pay your subscription (minimum £5.00) by electronic payment to sort code 60-40-09 and account number is 34062688 with a Reference of New Member and also send an email saying you've done this.